[Database]Chapter3. SQL


Introduction to SQL and how to use it.

What is SQL?

SQL, Structured Query Language, is a complete data access and manipulation language. It is defined for relation DBMS and an industry standard for relational DBMS. It is also a non-procedural langauge, which has no statement for go to, perform, do loop, open file, close file, end of file.


With SQL, you can set group of data like above.

SQL Functions has some type :

  • Data Definition Language(DDL)
    • CREATE : Define a new table, index, view
    • DROP : Remove a table, index, view definition
    • ALTER : Change the table schema
  • Data Manipulation Language(DML)
    • SELECT : Perform relational query functions
    • INSERT : Place a new row into a table
    • UPDATE : Modify values in an existing row
    • DELETE : Remove a row from a table
  • Data Control Language(DCL)
    • Authorization
      • GRANT : Give users’ privileges
      • REVOKE : Remove users’ privileges
    • Transaction Management
      • COMMIT : Commit transaction’s effect
      • ROLLBACK : Abort transaction’s effect
    • Integrity Constraint
      • TRIGGER : Define side effect of database update
      • ASSERTION : Define domain constraints

From now on, we will see how to use SQL one by one by writing these commands on your DBMS. Here are the sample database schema and tables for this practice :








  • SQL Language for create table and insert data
create table DEPARTMENT (
	deptno number(2) not null primary key, 
	dname varchar2(20), 
	college varchar2(20), 
	budget number(8)

create table PROFESSOR (
	pid number(3) not null primary key, 
	pname varchar2(10), 
	deptno number(2) references DEPARTMENT(deptno), 
	major varchar2(10), 
	hiredate date

create table STUDENT (
	sid number(4) not null primary key, 
	sname varchar2(10), 
	deptno number(2) references DEPARTMENT(deptno), 
	advisor number(3) references PROFESSOR(pid),
	gen varchar2(2),
	addr varchar2(10), 
	birthdate date, 
	grade number(3,2) check (grade between 0.0 and 4.5)
insert into department
	values(10, 'Computer', 'Engineering', 10000000);
insert into department
	values(20, 'Mechanical', 'Engineering', 20000000);
insert into department
	values(30, 'Physics', 'Sciences', 10000000);
insert into department
	values(40, 'Korean Language', 'Liberal Arts', 8000000);
insert into department
	values(50, 'General Education', 'Basic Studies', 8000000);

insert into professor
	values(101, 'Codd', 10, 'Database', to_date('1995-12-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into professor
	values(102, 'Turing', 10, 'Compiler', to_date('2002-06-11', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into professor
	values(201, 'Maxwell', 20, 'Automation', to_date('1998-03-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into professor
	values(202, 'Picasso', 20, 'CAD', to_date('2019-08-15', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into professor
	values(301, 'Gauss', 30, 'Magnetics', to_date('1997-04-20', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into professor
	values(302, 'Einstein', 30, 'Mechanics', to_date('2014-03-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
insert into professor
	values(401, 'Heo Gyun', 40, 'Novel', to_date('2009-03-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));

insert into student
	values(1001, 'Minsu', 10, 101, 'M', 'Daegu', 
	to_date('2005-12-15', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.93);
insert into student
	values(1002, 'Emily', 30, 302, 'F', 'Seoul', 
	to_date('2002-04-29', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.25);
insert into student
	values(1003, 'Suji', 10, 102, 'F', 'Daegu', 
	to_date('1998-01-03', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 4.17);
insert into student
	values(1004, 'Insung', 20, 201, 'M', 'Busan', 
	to_date('2007-10-10', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.67);
insert into student
	values(1005, 'Daeho', 40, 401, 'M', 'Ulsan', 
	to_date('2006-04-04', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.04);
insert into student
	values(1006, 'Smith', 10, 101, 'M', 'Seoul', 
	to_date('2001-11-05', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 2.45);
insert into student
	values(1007, 'Maria', 20, 201, 'F', 'Gumi', 
	to_date('2002-09-23', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.45);
insert into student
	values(1008, 'Gildong', 30, 302, 'M', 'Pohang', 
	to_date('2005-08-16', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.31);
insert into student
	values(1009, 'Jane', 40, 401, 'F', 'Daegu', 
	to_date('2004-03-20', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 2.08);
insert into student
	values(1010, 'Taehee', 20, 202, 'F', 'Busan', 
	to_date('2006-07-03', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 4.41);
insert into student
	values(1011, 'Chilsu', 10, 102, 'M', 'Seoul', 
	to_date('1999-06-19', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 2.88);
insert into student
	values(1012, 'Sarang', 10, 101, 'F', 'Ulsan', 
	to_date('2000-04-23', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 3.68);
insert into student
	values(1013, 'Brown', 30, 302, 'M', 'Daegu', 
	to_date('1998-02-21', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 1.75);
insert into student
	values(1014, 'Hyunsu', 20, NULL, 'M', 'Gumi', 
	to_date('2002-04-29', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 2.03);

All right! After you insert these data into your database, you are ready to learn SQL. Are you ready to dive into SQL? Let’s get into for that.

Database Retrieval

In this section, we will see how to select the part of data we want.

Basic SQL Select

  • Select specific columns : Select id and name from student table.

           SID SNAME     
    ---------- ----------
          1001 Minsu     
          1002 Emily     
          1003 Suji      
          1004 Insung    
          1005 Daeho     
          1006 Smith     
    SELECT sid, sname
    FROM student;
  • Select all columns : Select all from student table.

           SID SNAME          DEPTNO    ADVISOR GE ADDR       ....
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -- ---------- ....
          1012 Sarang             10        101 F  Ulsan      ....
          1013 Brown              30        302 M  Daegu      ....
          1014 Hyunsu             20            M  Gumi       ....
    SELECT *
    FROM student;
  • Select column with no duplicated : Select department number with no dupliated.

    SELECT distinct deptno
    FROM student
  • Select column with changed it’s name : Select deptno and print as ‘department’.

           SID SNAME      DEPARTMENT
    ---------- ---------- ----------
          1001 Minsu              10
          1002 Emily              30
          1003 Suji               10
          1004 Insung             20
          1005 Daeho              40
          1006 Smith              10
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno department
    FROM student;
  • Combine columns : Combine id and name, and print as ‘student’ from student table.

    SELECT sid||sname student
    FROM student;
  • Sort column : Select id, name, deptno, grade from student table, and order by deptno.

           SID SNAME          DEPTNO      GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          1012 Sarang             10       3.68
          1006 Smith              10       2.45
          1003 Suji               10       4.17
          1001 Minsu              10       3.93
          1011 Chilsu             10       2.88
          1014 Hyunsu             20       2.03
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    ORDER BY deptno;
  • Sort column by descending : Select name, addr, birthdate from student table, and order by descending birthdate.

    SNAME      ADDR       BIRTHDAT
    ---------- ---------- --------
    Insung     Busan      07/10/10
    Taehee     Busan      06/07/03
    Daeho      Ulsan      06/04/04
    Minsu      Daegu      05/12/15
    Gildong    Pohang     05/08/16
    Jane       Daegu      04/03/20
    SELECT sname, addr, birthdate
    FROM student
    ORDER BY birthdate DESC;
  • Sort two columns : Select deptno, name, grade from student table, and order by deptno first and order by grade inside deptno groups.

        DEPTNO SNAME           GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ----------
            10 Suji             4.17
            10 Minsu            3.93
            10 Sarang           3.68
            10 Chilsu           2.88
            10 Smith            2.45
            20 Taehee           4.41
    SELECT deptno, sname, grade
    FROM student
    ORDER BY deptno, grade DESC;
  • Comparison Operator : Select females’ id, name, deptno, addr.

           SID SNAME          DEPTNO ADDR      
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          1002 Emily              30 Seoul     
          1003 Suji               10 Daegu     
          1007 Maria              20 Gumi      
          1009 Jane               40 Daegu     
          1010 Taehee             20 Busan     
          1012 Sarang             10 Ulsan     
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno, addr
    FROM student
    WHERE gen = 'F';
  • Comparison Operator2 : Select name, deptno, addr, which grade is over than 3.5

    SNAME          DEPTNO      GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Minsu              10       3.93
    Suji               10       4.17
    Insung             20       3.67
    Taehee             20       4.41
    Sarang             10       3.68
    SELECT sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE grade > 3.5;
  • Between Operator : Select name, grade, which grade is between 3.0 and 3.5

    SNAME           GRADE
    ---------- ----------
    Emily            3.25
    Daeho            3.04
    Maria            3.45
    Gildong          3.31
    SELECT sname, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE grade between 3.0 and 3.5;
  • In Operator : Select id, name, grade, advisor from student table, which student advisor’s number is 101, 201, or 401.

           SID SNAME           GRADE    ADVISOR
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          1001 Minsu            3.93        101
          1004 Insung           3.67        201
          1005 Daeho            3.04        401
          1006 Smith            2.45        101
          1007 Maria            3.45        201
          1009 Jane             2.08        401
          1012 Sarang           3.68        101
    SELECT sid, sname, grade, advisor
    FROM student
    WHERE advisor in (101, 201, 401);
  • Like Operator : It is the wildcard character for char dataset.

    • % : zero or more character positions

    • _ : one character position

    • Example

      • LIKE ‘Kim%’ : it is true, if string start on ‘Kim’.
      • LIKE ‘%Kim%’ : it is true, if string contains ‘Kim’.
      • LIKE ‘%TH’ : it is true, if string end with ‘TH’.
      • LIKE ‘__TH%’ : it is true, if string that 3rd and 4th position is ‘TH’.
      • LIKE ‘%TH_’ : it is true, if the previous position from at the end is ‘TH’.
    • Practice : Select names which name starts on ‘s’.

      SELECT sname
      FROM student
      WHERE sname like 'S%';
    • Practice2 : Select names which name’s length is 4.

      SELECT sname
      FROM student
      WHERE sname like '____';
  • Logical Operator : Select id, name, addr, grade from student table, which grade is over than 3.5 and addr is ‘Daegu’ or ‘Ulsan’.

           SID SNAME      ADDR            GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          1001 Minsu      Daegu            3.93
          1003 Suji       Daegu            4.17
          1012 Sarang     Ulsan            3.68
    SELECT sid, sname, addr, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE grade > 3.5 AND (addr = 'Daegu' OR addr = 'Ulsan');
  • Not Operator : Select name, grade, which grade is not between 3.0 and 3.5

    SNAME           GRADE
    ---------- ----------
    Minsu            3.93
    Suji             4.17
    Insung           3.67
    Smith            2.45
    Jane             2.08
    Taehee           4.41
    SELECT sname, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE grade not between 3.0 and 3.5;
  • Not Operator2 : Select name. addr, which addr is not start on ‘D’.

    SNAME      ADDR      
    ---------- ----------
    Emily      Seoul     
    Insung     Busan     
    Daeho      Ulsan     
    Smith      Seoul     
    Maria      Gumi      
    Gildong    Pohang    
    SELECT sname, addr
    FROM student
    WHERE addr not like 'D%';
  • Null : Select id, name, which student has no advisor.

           SID SNAME     
    ---------- ----------
          1014 Hyunsu    
    SELECT sid, sname
    FROM student
    WHERE advisor is null;
  • lower(), upper() : make string to lowercase or uppercase.

    Select name, college from department table. Print name as lowercase, and print college as uppercase.

    LOWER(DNAME)         UPPER(COLLEGE)      
    -------------------- --------------------
    computer             ENGINEERING         
    mechanical           ENGINEERING         
    physics              SCIENCES            
    korean language      LIBERAL ARTS        
    general education    BASIC STUDIES      
    SELECT lower(dname), upper(college)
    FROM department;
  • lpad() : print fields as “lpad(field, format length, ‘blank char’)”.

    Print deptno, name, budget from department table on this format.

    LPAD(DEPTN LPAD(DNAME,20,'*')   LPAD(BUDGET,20,'.') 
    ---------- -------------------- --------------------
            10 ************Computer ............10000000
            20 **********Mechanical ............20000000
            30 *************Physics ............10000000
            40 *****Korean Language .............8000000
            50 ***General Education .............8000000
    SELECT lpad(deptno, 10, ' '), lpad(dname, 20, '*'), lpad(budget, 20, '.')
    FROM department;
  • substr() : “substr(string or field, pos, n)”. is print string from pos to n. if n is null, print pos to the end of string.

    Print dname like this :

    DNAME                SUBSTR(DNAME,2)     SUB
    -------------------- ------------------- ---
    Computer             omputer             mpu
    Mechanical           echanical           cha
    Physics              hysics              ysi
    Korean Language      orean Language      rea
    General Education    eneral Education    ner
    SELECT dname, substr(dname, 2), substr(dname, 3, 3)
    FROM department;
  • instr()

    • instr(field, ‘char’) : print index where char is available in field.
    • instr(field, ‘char’, num1, num2) : print index where num2-th char is available from num1.
    DNAME                INSTR(DNAME,'E') INSTR(DNAME,'E',2,2)
    -------------------- ---------------- --------------------
    Computer                            7                    0
    Mechanical                          2                    0
    Physics                             0                    0
    Korean Language                     4                   15
    General Education                   2                    4
    SELECT dname, instr(dname, 'e'), instr(dname, 'e', 2, 2)
    FROM department;
  • length() : print string’s length.

    Select deptno, name, and print length of deptno’s data and print length of name’s data.

    ---------- -------------- -------------------- -------------
            10              2 Computer                         8
            20              2 Mechanical                      10
            30              2 Physics                          7
            40              2 Korean Language                 15
            50              2 General Education               17
    SELECT deptno, length(deptno), dname, length(dname)
    FROM department;
  • translate() : translate(field, ‘A’, ‘B’) is find A in the field and changes as B.

    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
    Computer             ComputEr             ComputEr            
    Mechanical           MEchanical           MEchanIcal          
    Physics              Physics              PhysIcs             
    Korean Language      KorEan LanguagE      KorEan LanguagE     
    General Education    GEnEral Education    GEnEral EducatIon   
    SELECT dname, translate(dname, 'e', 'E'), translate(dname, 'ie', 'IE')
    FROM department;
  • round() : round(field or number, round decimal) do rounds number.

    ROUND(45.923,1) ROUND(45.923) ROUND(45.323,-1) ROUND(GRADE,1)
    --------------- ------------- ---------------- --------------
               45.9            46               50            3.3
               45.9            46               50            3.3
               45.9            46               50            1.8
    SELECT round(45.923, 1), round(45.923), round(45.323, -1), round(grade, 1)
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno=30;
  • power() : power(field or number, power number) do powers number.

         GRADE POWER(GRADE,2) POWER(50,5)
    ---------- -------------- -----------
          3.25        10.5625   312500000
          3.31        10.9561   312500000
          1.75         3.0625   312500000
    SELECT grade, power(grade, 2), power(50, 5)
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30;
  • sqrt() : sqrt(field or number) do square root for number.

         GRADE SQRT(GRADE)   SQRT(40)
    ---------- ----------- ----------
          3.25  1.80277564 6.32455532
          3.31  1.81934054 6.32455532
          1.75  1.32287566 6.32455532
    SELECT grade, sqrt(grade), sqrt(40)
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30;
  • sign() : check sign. if input < 0 then print -1, if input = 0 then print 0, if input > 0 then print 1.

         GRADE  GRADE-3.0 SIGN(GRADE-3.0)
    ---------- ---------- ---------------
          3.25        .25               1
          3.31        .31               1
          1.75      -1.25              -1
    SELECT grade, grade-3.0, sign(grade-3.0)
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30;
  • Calculate dates : SQL can calculate date type data. sysdate get current time,

    -------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
    98/03/01 98/02/22   98/03/08         9353.35295
    14/03/01 14/02/22   14/03/08         3509.35295
    09/03/01 09/02/22   09/03/08         5335.35295
    SELECT hiredate, hiredate-7, hiredate +7, sysdate-hiredate
    FROM professor
    WHERE hiredate like '%01';
  • months_between() : months_between(date1, date2) prints month length between two dates.

    SELECT months_between(sysdate, hiredate)
    FROM professor
    WHERE months_between(sysdate, hiredate) > 200;
  • add_months() : add_months(date1, num) adds num months to date1.

    -------- -----------------------
    95/12/25 96/03/25
    02/06/11 02/09/11
    98/03/01 98/06/01
    19/08/15 19/11/15
    SELECT hiredate, add_months(hiredate, 3)
    FROM professor
    WHERE deptno = 10 or deptno = 20;
  • next_day() : next_day(date1, num) prints the num day of the week.

    (Sun = 1, Mon = 2, Tue = 3, Wed = 4, Thu = 5, Fri = 6, Sat = 7)

    -------- --------
    95/12/25 95/12/29
    02/06/11 02/06/14
    09/03/01 09/03/06
    SELECT hiredate, next_day(hiredate, 6)
    FROM professor
    WHERE deptno = 10 or deptno = 40;
  • last_day() : last_day(date) prints the last day on that month.

    -------- --------
    95/12/25 95/12/31
    02/06/11 02/06/30
    98/03/01 98/03/31
    19/08/15 19/08/31
    SELECT hiredate, last_day(hiredate)
    FROM professor
    WHERE deptno = 10 or deptno = 20;

    Practice : print years of work for professor who are belonging to department number 20.

    ---------- ---------- -------- -------------
           201 Maxwell    98/03/01            25
           202 Picasso    19/08/15             4
    SELECT pid, pname, hiredate, trunc((sysdate-hiredate)/365) years_of_work
    FROM professor
    WHERE deptno = 20;
  • to_char() : to_char(date, ‘format’) transform date to format to print.

    MONDAY, 09TH 10M 2023
    SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'DAY, DDTH MONTH YYYY')
    FROm sys.dual; /*temporary table*/
    SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'HH:MI:SS')
    FROm sys.dual; /*temporary table*/
  • to_date() : to_date(date, ‘format’) transform date to format.

           PID PNAME      HIREDATE
    ---------- ---------- --------
           102 Turing     02/06/11
    SELECT pid, pname, hiredate
    FROM professor
    WHERE hiredate = to_date('2002-06-11', 'yyyy-mm-dd');
  • decode() : decode(field, cond1, cond1 true value, cond2, cond2 true value, false value) check if-else condition and print it’s true and false value.

    ---------- ---------- -------
    Minsu              10 CE     
    Emily              30 NOT Eng
    Suji               10 CE     
    Insung             20 ME     
    Daeho              40 NOT Eng
    Smith              10 CE     
    Maria              20 ME     
    SELECT sname, deptno, decode(deptno, 10, 'CE', 20, 'ME', 'NOT Eng') DECODED_DEPT
    FROM student;
  • AVG() : avg(field) print average value in field.

    SELECT avg(grade)
    FROM student;
  • MIN() : min(field) print minimum value in field.

    SELECT min(grade)
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 20;
  • COUNT() : count(field) print number of field values.

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 10;
  • GROUP BY : it is used for group records in field. it must be used in front of where condition.

    ---------- ----------
            30       2.77
            40       2.56
            10      3.422
            20       3.39
    SELECT deptno, avg(grade)
    FROM student
    GROUP BY deptno; /*avg will be performed on deptno groups.*/
  • HAVING : it is used for search groups(made by GROUP BY) that specific condition is matched.

    ---------- ----------
            10      3.422
            20       3.39
    SELECT deptno, avg(grade)
    FROM student
    GROUP BY deptno
    HAVING count(*) > 3;
  • Subquery : the SQL language that combined two query into one.

    Example : Select name, deptno, grade from student table, which the student has the highest grade.

    SNAME          DEPTNO      GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Taehee             20       4.41
    SELECT sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE grade = (select max(grade) from student);

    Example2 : Select name, grade, deptno from student table, which the student’s grade is higher than the lowest grade in deptno 40.

    SNAME           GRADE     DEPTNO
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Taehee           4.41         20
    Suji             4.17         10
    Minsu            3.93         10
    Sarang           3.68         10
    Insung           3.67         20
    SELECT sname, grade, deptno
    FROM student
    WHERE grade > any(select grade from student where deptno = 40)
    ORDER BY grade DESC;

    Example3 : Select name, grade, deptno from student table, which the student’s grade is higher than the highest grade in deptno 40.

    SNAME           GRADE     DEPTNO
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Taehee           4.41         20
    Suji             4.17         10
    Minsu            3.93         10
    Sarang           3.68         10
    Insung           3.67         20
    Maria            3.45         20
    SELECT sname, grade, deptno
    FROM student
    WHERE grade > all(select grade from student where deptno = 40)
    ORDER BY grade DESC;

    Example4 : Select name, grade, deptno from student table, which has the highest grade in each department.

    SNAME           GRADE     DEPTNO
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Gildong          3.31         30
    Daeho            3.04         40
    Suji             4.17         10
    Taehee           4.41         20
    SELECT sname, grade, deptno
    FROM student
    WHERE (grade, deptno) in (select max(grade), deptno from student group by deptno);

    Example5 : Select deptno, average of grade from student table, which the department’s average grade is higher than department 30’s average grade.

    ---------- ----------
            10      3.422
            20       3.39
    SELECT deptno, avg(grade)
    FROM student
    GROUP BY deptno
    HAVING avg(grade) > (select avg(grade) from student where deptno = 30);

    Example6 : Select id, name, deptno, grade from student table, which has the highest grade in Engineering College.

           SID SNAME          DEPTNO      GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          1010 Taehee             20       4.41
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE grade =
    (select max(grade) from student where deptno in
    (select deptno from department where college = 'Engineering'));

    Example7 : Select name, deptno, grade from student table, which has the lower grade than the average grade of his/her department.

    SNAME          DEPTNO      GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Smith              10       2.45
    Chilsu             10       2.88
    Hyunsu             20       2.03
    Brown              30       1.75
    Jane               40       2.08
    SELECT sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student s
    WHERE grade < (select avg(grade) from student where deptno = s.deptno)
    ORDER BY deptno;

    Example8 : Select name, deptno, major from professor table, which has the student for advise.

    PNAME          DEPTNO MAJOR     
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    Codd               10 Database  
    Turing             10 Compiler  
    Maxwell            20 Automation
    Picasso            20 CAD       
    Einstein           30 Mechanics 
    Heo Gyun           40 Novel     
    SELECT pname, deptno, major
    FROM professor p
    WHERE exists(select sid from student where advisor = p.pid)
    ORDER BY deptno;


SQL Join is same as Join algebra. Like Join algebra, SQL Join has natrual join, inner join, and outer join.

Join is used for connect records by same attributes on different tables.

  • Join

    Example : Select id, student name, department name from student table and department table.

           SID SNAME      DNAME               
    ---------- ---------- --------------------
          1001 Minsu      Computer            
          1002 Emily      Physics             
          1003 Suji       Computer            
          1004 Insung     Mechanical          
          1005 Daeho      Korean Language     
          1006 Smith      Computer           
    SELECT sid, sname, dname
    FROM student, department
    /*connect two tables by same attributes*/
    WHERE student.deptno = department.deptno;

    Example2 : Select id, deptno, college from student table and department table.

           SID     DEPTNO COLLEGE             
    ---------- ---------- --------------------
          1001         10 Engineering         
          1002         30 Sciences            
          1003         10 Engineering         
          1004         20 Engineering         
          1005         40 Liberal Arts        
          1006         10 Engineering         
    SELECT sid, s.deptno, college
    FROM student s, department d
    WHERE s.deptno = d.deptno;

    Example3 : Select the student’s id, name, deptno, grade, which has the highest grade on Engineering college.

           SID SNAME          DEPTNO      GRADE
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          1010 Taehee             20       4.41
    SELECT sid, sname, s.deptno, grade
    FROM student s, department d
    WHERE s.deptno = d.deptno AND college = 'Engineering'
    AND grade = 
    (select max(grade) from student where deptno in
    (select deptno from department where college = 'Engineering'));

    Example4 : Select the student’s name, department name, advisor’s name and grade, which his/her grade is over than 3.5

    SNAME      DNAME                PNAME           GRADE
    ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
    Minsu      Computer             Codd             3.93
    Sarang     Computer             Codd             3.68
    Suji       Computer             Turing           4.17
    Insung     Mechanical           Maxwell          3.67
    Taehee     Mechanical           Picasso          4.41
    SELECT sname, dname, pname, grade
    FROM student s, department d, professor p
    WHERE s.deptno = d.deptno
    AND s.advisor = p.pid
    AND grade >= 3.5;

    Example5 : Select students’ name which they have the same birthdate each other.

    ---------- ---------- --------
    Emily      Hyunsu     02/04/29
    SELECT s.sname, t.sname, s.birthdate
    FROM student s, student t
    WHERE s.birthdate = t.birthdate
    AND s.sid < t.sid;
  • Outer Join : extended join. If you need to be print informations with join algebra but there are no connection data for join algebra, you can use “outer join” to print only informations by connecting with null data.

    Example : Select department number, department name, professor name by each department, except department 20.

    /* Without Outer Join */
        DEPTNO DNAME                PNAME     
    ---------- -------------------- ----------
            10 Computer             Codd      
            10 Computer             Turing    
            30 Physics              Gauss     
            30 Physics              Einstein  
            40 Korean Language      Heo Gyun  
    /* there aren't deptno 50 information, because there are no professor in deptno 50. */
    SELECT d.deptno, dname, pname
    FROM department d, professor p
    WHERE d.deptno = p.deptno AND d.deptno != 20;
    /* With Outer Join */
        DEPTNO DNAME                PNAME     
    ---------- -------------------- ----------
            10 Computer             Codd      
            10 Computer             Turing    
            30 Physics              Gauss     
            30 Physics              Einstein  
            40 Korean Language      Heo Gyun  
            50 General Education              
    SELECT d.deptno, dname, pname
    FROM department d, professor p
    WHERE d.deptno = p.deptno(+) AND d.deptno != 20;
    /* When join is operated, attach (+) symbol to the table that has no data.*/

Set Operation

  • Union : union two sets.

    SELECT addr
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30
    SELECT addr
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 40;
  • INTERSECT : intersect two sets.

    SELECT addr
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30
    SELECT addr
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 40;
  • MINUS : delete common records from front set by rear set.

    SELECT addr
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30
    SELECT addr
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 40;

Modify Database

There are some SQL language to change data on database : INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

  • INSERT : insert new records to the database.

    INSERT INTO department
    VALUES (60, 'Statistics', 'Sciences', 30000000);
    INSERT INTO department(deptno, dname)
    VALUES (70, 'Philosophy');
    INSERT INTO department
    VALUES (80, 'Industrial Design', null, null);

    When you need to insert time and date information, you can use TO_DATE() function.

    INSERT INTO student
    VALUES (2000, 'John', 10, 101, 'M', 'London',
    TO_DATE('2001/06/24', 'YYYY/MM/DD'), 3.67);

    You can duplicate some data from one table to the another.

    /* Assume d10student table is already created. */
    INSERT INTO d10student(sid, sname, addr, grade)
    SELECT sid, sname, addr, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 10;
  • UPDATE : modify some records what you want.

    UPDATE student
    SET deptno=10, addr='Daegu', grade=3.89
    WHERE sname = 'Taehee';

    Example : Increase database department’s budget to the highest of the other departments.

    UPDATE department
    SET budget = (SELECT max(budget) FROM department)
    WHERE deptno in (SELECT deptno FROM professor WHERE major = 'Database');
  • DELETE : delete some records what you want.

    DELETE FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 20;

    Example : Remove the department that has no student.

    DELETE FROM department
    WHERE deptno NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT deptno FROM student);

Defining Table

In this section, we will see how to create and modify, and delete table briefly.

You don’t need to learn handle table right now, because this is very complex work and if you need to make table, you just refer the guide and follow it. So, I will just introduce what SQL language is available to handle table.

  • CREATE : create table with your desired attributes.

    SID 			Number(4) NOT NULL PRIMARY_KEY,
    SNAME 			VARCHAR(10) CHECK (Sname = initcap(Sname))
    				CONSTRAINT ST_Sname,
    DeptNo 			Number(2) REFERENCES Department(DeptNo)
    Advisor 		Number(3) REFERENCES Professor(PID)
    				CONSTRAINT ST_Advisor,
    GEN 			VARCHAR(2),
    ADDR 			VARCHAR(10),
    BirthDate 		DATE CHECK (BirthDate <= SYSDATE),
    Grade 			Number(3, 2),
  • Creating a table from another :

    CREATE TABLE DEPT30(id, name, gender, grade)
    SELECT 	sid, sname, gen, grade
    FROM 	student
    WHERE	deptno = 30;
  • Creating an Index : Indicating an records by desired attributes.

    Create Unique Index st_idx ON student(sid);
    Create Index name_idx ON student(sname, gen);
  • DROP : Dropping a table loses all the data in it and all the indexes associated with it. Any VIEWs(we will see later) will remain, but they become invalid.

    Only the creator of the table or DBA can drop it.

  • ALTER : add or modify some attributes on the table.

    ALTER TABLE student ADD(telephone varchar(20));
    ALTER TABLE student MODIFY(addr varchar(20));

Security for Database

In this section, we will see the authority for the database.

  • GRANT : give some permission to the other.

    GRANT privileges ON table TO user;
    GRANT UPDATE(Grade, Deptno) ON student TO ADAMS;
    GRANT ALL ON student TO ADAMS;
  • REVOKE : deprive a permission from the other.

    REVOKE privileges ON table FROM user;
    /*CASCADE command deprive all permissions from the anothers that ADAMS gave.
  • VIEW : VIEW command makes virtual table for seeing only. VIEW table cannot be duplicated, stored, or modify data inside. As VIEW table restricting access to the database, it can be used for searching data.

    CREATE VIEW view-name AS SELECT statement;
    CREATE VIEW D30student(ID, Name, Dept, Grade)
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30;
    DROP VIEW view-name;
    DROP VIEW D30student;

    But, VIEW table can be modified on specific condition.

    • DELETE is prohibited if the view contains :
      • JOIN condition
      • GROUP BY clause
      • DISTINCT command
    • UPDATE is prohibited if the view contains :
      • Any of the above
      • Columns defined by expressions (ex : Grade * 100 / 4.5)
    • INSERT is prohibited if the view contains :
      • Any of the above
      • Any NOT NULL columns are not selected by view

    In conclusion, to SQL VIEW can be updatable, it must be :

    • Only one relation on from clause
    • Only attribute names on select clause. No expression, sum, or distinct.
    • attributes excluded on select clause must be nullable.
    • No GROUP BY and HAVING clause.

    So, D30student VIEW is updatable if nullable condition is satisfied.

    But, there are some problem when insert/update for D30student VIEW table - it can be updatable, but cannot see the updated result!

    To solve this problem : add with check option at the end. But when you insert some data with check option, the data must be satisfied WHERE clause to insert and update.

    CREATE VIEW D30student(ID, Name, Dept, Grade)
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30
    with check option;

    Plus, if you want the VIEW table cannot be updatable, you can add with read only at the end.

    CREATE VIEW D30student(ID, Name, Dept, Grade)
    SELECT sid, sname, deptno, grade
    FROM student
    WHERE deptno = 30
    with read only;

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